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Shenkar Without Borders

Shenkar Without Borders, is part of a wider organization of volunteers who partner with developing communities in Israel and beyond, with the aim of improving quality of life worldwide. The students contribute to developing a world in which every community has the capacity to sustainably meet their basic human needs. As such, each project seeks to build the foundations for a community to improve and then continue to thrive for years to come. Nevertheless, it takes more than just materials to build a strong foundation – those who volunteer from both Faculties of Engineering and Design, are the heartbeat of the organization, giving their time, energy and expertise in pursuit of this vision.

The first delegation of 2018 saw thirty participants (both academic staff and students) embark on a two-week mission to enrich the lives of the children in Tanzania. During which, the schedule of activities enabled the participants to utilize their knowledge and skills, through a pre-planned schedule of activities. This included teaching primary school students, volunteering in orphanages, as well as essential repair and maintenance work to classrooms and community centers, ensuring they can continue to function long after the volunteers move on. Further to this, the volunteers made the most out of their creativity to improve the community infrastructures, by establishing a prolific community garden.

Thanks to an abundance of generous donations, it was also possible to finance basic yet fundamental resources to provide to the community of Tanzania: food, clothing and footwear, materials, hygiene products, toys, medicine, generators and heating appliances, plus so much more. We are very proud of the work we do in each mission, and hope to see the projects flourish long into the future.

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