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Multidisciplinary Art School

Head of School: Prof. Nira Pereg
Study Term: Four Years (Total credit Points: 160)
The School awards its graduates with a B.F.A (Bachelor of Fine Arts) degree

As the visual language takes a more central place in all areas of life, and as reality becomes increasingly multicultural and complex, art becomes a primary tool for both self-expression and the construction of cultural identity and social critique.

To train artists for the complex challenges of contemporary culture, the School of Multidisciplinary Art offers a layered and integrated learning environment, where students have access to all relevant fields of knowledge and creativity for artists today - from studio craftsmanship to digital computer processing and historical and theoretical studies.

The school offers its students a broad foundation of means of expression and patterns of thinking, encouraging them to utilize their personal memories and experiences to develop their own unique and innovative perspective.

The existence of art studies in the design and engineering environment of Shenkar exposes our students to a variety of concepts and technologies, expanding the tools at their disposal and encouraging them to create new and exciting multidisciplinary connections. The school's location in the heart of the urban metropolis of Ramat Gan and Tel Aviv turns the city itself, with its vibrant art institutions and diverse populations, into a dynamic and challenging environment for art studies.

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