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Prof. Hanna Dodiuk achieved Honorary Fellow of the Israel Polymers and Plastics Society

 Prof. Hanna Dodiuk was the first elected women President of the Israel Polymers and Plastics Society (IPPS) between 1998 to 2000 and was awarded as the first women Honorary Fellow of IPPS for 2013!

More than 200 people participated in the annual meeting, among them students, alumni and staff members of the Plastics Engineering Department in Shenkar. The Honorary Fellowship was awarded to Prof. Dodiuk for her special contribution to the advancement of polymers R&D in Israel and for her many years of contribution to IPPS in management, conferences and lectures.

Surrounded by tens of her students, Hanna told her life story growing up in an Holocaust surviving family of the Schindler's list, her studies in the Chemistry Department in the University of Tel Aviv and her long journey in the fields of R&D in polymers as she joined Rafael.

This enchanting journey started in the Materials & Processes division in Rafael, which she directed between 1991 to 1997 and where she developed the national infrastructure of surface science and adhesion technologies for aerospace and space structures.

The journey continued in the Department of Plastics Engineering in Shenkar where she is engaged, for the last 18 years, in nanotechnology research related to polymers for advanced adhesives , water repellent and low ice adhesion coatings for medical, electronics and consumer applications.

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