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Student Union

At Shenkar, students have their own agency, learning through activities that are meaningful and relevant to each individual, driven by their interests, and often self-initiated with appropriate guidance from teachers. The Students as Partners (SaP) approach, thereby creates a voice for students to shape their own learning, and supporting this is the Student Union, who work in close dialogue with Shenkar's administration and are considered in every decision-making process.

The Shenkar Student Union is part of the National Student Union, a registered and independent non-profit organization, and the official body representing all the students of the college. The division aims to be an active resource: safeguarding student interests, while providing solutions in the areas of social welfare, social involvement and academic assistance. As such, students view them as the driving force that transforms the fabric of social, cultural and academic life at Shenkar.

The union offers a diverse calendar of activities, initiating clubs, projects and events that enhance the academic experience, and represent the wide spectrum of characters on campus. This includes the Dots Entrepreneurship Club, She Codes, Shenkar LGBTQ, ProWoman Shenkar and so much more.

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