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International Women’s Day: Female Students Participate in a Special Women Empowerment Seminar

Students of the design and engineering departments at Shenkar have participated in a special one-day seminar for the International Women's Day, in the framework of the special "Women Empowered" project.

They met with experts of the PresenTense company - dealing with social entrepreneurship and community strengthening -held a conversation regarding women empowerment and public conduct and learnt about various business models, networking and social entrepreneurship.

A unique program called JWF, operating within the social involvement unit at Shenkar, is offering a scholarship for 12 exceptional female students. During the year, each student "adopts" and sponsors other female students from the same department.

This project has been successfully operating at Shenkar for the past 3 years, led by Prof. Hanna Dodiuk, the head of the Plastics Engineering Department and the President's Consultant on Women Empowerment, together with Ms. Keren Beitan-Shemesh, the head of the Social Involvement Unit.

As part of the activity of the Shenkar's Women's Group, the female students create an open space - for women as well as for men - allowing for free exchange of ideas and discussion of any subject matter.

Apart from holding annual conventions, the students and sponsors strive to create change to ensure women actively effect politics, economy, health, communication, education and culture, and transform the Israeli society to a more equal and fair one.

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