Shenkar’s Software Engineering Department Meets Cloud Computing at Amazon’s Offices
Written by: Noy Shabo, Year 3, Software Engineering, Shenkar
As part of their full stack training in the Department of Software Engineering bachelor’s program, students take a cloud computing course taught by Amit Dunsky, a cloud technologies specialist active in the Israeli tech community.
This is the fourth year running that Amit surprised his students in the course with a special class taking place place at the Amazon Web Services (AWS) offices, located on the 28th floor of Azrieli Center.
In this class, students were introduced to the topic of serverless computing by Boaz Ziniman, Technical Evangelist at AWS Israel.
Ziniman gave the students a fascinating explanation of serverless computing and talked about the advantages of this technology (which has no server that requires maintenance). He explained what is so special about the Lambda service provided by AWS, which provides a serverless developing environment: All you need to do is write the code, upload it, and pay for the time that it runs.
This class allowed software engineering students to combine the theoretical material they learned during the course and the practical understanding of applying AWS on the ground, and learn how these services help businesses and programmers.
Additionally, each student was given an AWS account to complete the course assignments – through which they expand their knowledge, gain practical experience with the different services from AWS, and receive practical training.
At the end of the class, Boaz Ziniman invited all the students in the course to participate in the Amazon conference, set to take place in Tel Aviv on May 22.
Published on 07-04-2022