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FORM, FUNCTION, EXPRESSION: The Jewelry of Deganit Stern Schocken

Like her jewelry, the title of Deganit Stern Schocken’s monograph, a proffesor at the design jewelry department at Shenkar - How Many Is One - is intriguing, stimulating, not easily unraveled, but rewarding when you pry deeper. Even the first word “How” in the unpunctuated title is challenging as it can be read as a positive endorsement or as an implied question.

This is not a book for the casual reader, but for someone willing to spend the time to trace a career forged in a country where political controversies affect every aspect of life, including aesthetics. Although synonymous with Israeli contemporary jewelry, Schocken has established an international reputation, and this is underscored by this volume in English, with no text in Hebrew.

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