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Dr. Yonit Rusho

Head of the Department of Software Engineering yonit@se.shenkar.ac.il

Dr. Yonit Rusho, head of the Department of Software Engineering at Shenkar, strives for professionalism and excellence.

A senior staff member at Shenkar, Dr. Rusho is responsible for coordinating graduation projects in the Department of Software Engineering, which are known for their engineering complexity; she also supervises core professional courses, and teaches advanced programming courses throughout the department’s four-year program.

Dr. Rusho holds a BSc in software engineering from Shenkar (she was in the first cohort of the program), an MBA, and a PhD from the Department of Information and Knowledge Management at the University of Haifa, with a specialization in Information Network Development. She is currently conducting postdoctoral research with the Faculty of Engineering at Ben-Gurion University of the Negev in collaboration with the Institute for the Research of the Methodology of Intelligence (IRMI) of the IDF; she is also the first postdoctoral fellow to work in collaboration with the Military Intelligence Directorate (known as “Aman”). Her postdoctoral research concerns the network analysis of intelligence communities during the COVID-19 pandemic.

For the past twenty years, Dr. Rusho has specialized in the development of advanced languages, methods, and technologies for the web and cloud. She wrote the popular website-building guide HTML5 – The Next Generation (published by Hod-Ami), and has contributed weekly columns in Haaretz and Nana10 about trends in online technology.

After two decades as a web programmer in the high-tech industry, including working at Microsoft and other multimedia companies, Dr. Rusho founded and directed a tech company for building premium websites. After her high-tech exit, she found her vocation in teaching, research, and managing the software engineering department at Shenkar, which she sees as her second home.

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