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Shenkar Announcement Regarding the Ongoing Security Situation

Dear Shenkar students, lecturers and employees

As of this morning, we find ourselves in the midst of a challenging and terrible situation. Shenkar's administration stands with the security forces and military reserves and extends our support to everyone. A decision has been taken to halt all planned academic activity (including exams) at Shenkar on Sunday and Monday (8-9 October). An update regarding the rest of the week will be issued on Monday afternoon.

Shenkar will be open on Monday and anyone who would like is invited to be on campus while following instructions and remaining in the vicinity of safe rooms. Shenkar will examine all avenues of support and use all available means to assist our students and community.

We invite students who require emotional assistance or support to contact the dean of students directly.

As a reminder, please find contact information below:

Staff members who require assistance are invited to contact the Academic Administration / galit@shenkar.ac.il  / academic@shenkar.ac.il

In the hope of quieter days to come,

The Shenkar administration

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