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Academic Calendar

The academic calendar at Shenkar runs parallel to the Jewish calendar, which is based on a Moon cycle and therefore changes annually. As such, the academic calendar is not fixed by date, it shifts every year according to the Jewish Holidays.

In the Jewish calendar the day is marked from sundown the previous day, to sundown the following day. This also applies to restrictions on public transport, trade and office work on Shabbat (Saturday) and religious holidays.

The working week is Sunday to Thursday, with Friday being a half work day and Saturday fully closed for the weekend

The application period for admission to degree programs runs from December to February

The application period of Exchange Program for incoming students runs from March to May

Each academic year has 2 semesters for International Students: Autumn and Spring

Please be aware that there will be times throughout the year where the College is closed. See below for specific information and months of the year that key events fall on:

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