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Interdisciplinarity at its best: Students from Shenkar are the big winners of the Hackathon for textile and material technologies in Germany

Exciting news! Four students from Shenkar, among them representatives from Dots., Shenkar’s Entrepreneurship Student Club, in conjunction with CIRTex Center for Innovation and Research in Textiles, Nitsan Rechels, fourth-year Textile Design, Yoav Dan, MSc Polymers and Plastics Engineering, Oren Rachmani, third-year Polymers and Plastics Engineering, and Hadar Elia, third-year Industrial Engineering and Management, are the big winners of the Hackathon for textile and material technologies that was held in Germany (4-5 June), and hosted by German textile company ZwissTex!

The Hackathon engaged with various challenges associated with the world of textile, such as textile and autonomous cars, textile and urban agriculture, textile and water, and textile combined with sensors. About twenty students participated in the event, half of them from Shenkar.

The students worked in interdisciplinary groups, and connections were quickly forged between design, engineering, business, cultures, and people, jointly devising innovative and revolutionary ideas and products.

Using textile materials, the groups created prototypes of the various ideas that emerged within the short time they spent together.

The winning team, which included the four students from Shenkar and one from Germany, created a product designed to enable agricultural crops to grow on salt water surfaces by making unique use of textile, which could revolutionize agriculture and help countries around the world to contend with the global water shortage.

The prize for first place: €4000.

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