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Shenkar Graduates Named Talking Textiles Prize Finalists

An impressive achievement that brings us great pride: Department of Textile Design graduates Tomer Laham, Tal Narkiss, and Joya Halper, along with 18 other graduates of the world’s best design schools, have been named finalists for the Dorothy Waxman Textile Design Prize!

The competition is part of New York Textile Month (NYTM), which is led by trend forecaster and design personality Lidewij Edelkoort. 

Tomer Laham’s project (Photo: Tomer Laham)

Joya Halper’s contending project was the graduate project for her master’s degree from Polimoda fashion institute in Florence (Photo: Davide Corona)

New York Textile Month celebrates textile design-related activities and builds interest in the field.

Register for the webinar in which finalists present their projects to the panel of judges on 20.9

At the top of the page: Tal Narkiss’s project (Photo: Lee Hen)

Published on 05-09-2021

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