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A Tour of Melanie and Matthew Bronfman’s Art Collection

In the first of a series of evenings hosted by Shenkar club members, Melanie Bronfman invited her fellow SMC members to a tour of her and Matthew Bronfman’s art collection.

Established with the community in mind, the collection aims to support and promote Israeli art. The collection boasts over one hundred artworks in various media, including paintings, sculptures, photographs and video art installations.

Also in attendance were artists whose works are featured in the collection: Tal Shochat, Boaz Noy, Chen Shaish, Maya Gold, Gilad Efrat and Shai Azoulay. The event was led by the collection's curator, Shulamit Nos.

The Shenkar Members Club (SMC) was established as a framework for people engaged in innovation, education, engineering, technology, design, art and culture, and interested in a close relationship with Shenkar, who wish to be actively involved with the college through a range of unique programs that combine innovation, design and technology.

SMC members enjoy regular content through Shenkar’s activities and receive invitations to unique events created especially for them throughout the year. Members join the world-spanning community of Shenkar supporters and become part of international circles that herald the dawn of a new generation.

Image credit: Ahikam Ben Yosef

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