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In the shadow of combat: designers for the defense system

Shenkar has Enlisted.

Senior faculty and students of the the Department of Fashion Design at Shenkar have responded to the call. 

In recent days, Israeli society has exhibited unprecedented support for the fight against terrorism. Civilians have inspiringly rallied in a joint national endeavor and have come together in the effort to distribute food and supplies to soldiers and displaced civilians. 

Shenkar — a leading Israeli and international academic fashion and engineering institution — has also immediately responded to the needs and requests of the security forces. Dozens of faculty members and students have rallied to sew and manufacture military equipment on behalf of the troops on the ground. Several workstations have been created on and off campus, and everyone is hard at work. Faculty from the Department of Fashion Design have also personally donated funds and equipment to the cause, including sewing machines.  

The Department of Fashion Design is renowned worldwide. Its unique course of study and the number of its graduates who join the elite ranks of global industry have contributed to the department being ranked sixth among the world’s top academic institutions for fashion design by the prestigious international Business of Fashion magazine in 2017. 

Each year, the department earns prestigious accolades, among them: designation as one of the leading fashion departments by the Business of Fashion magazine in 2019; being ranked in 11th place by Fashionista, a leading fashion website; and placed on the list of “the 50 Leading Schools in the Fashion World” compiled by the international umbrella organization for design schools (FS).

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