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Plastics Engineering: From Shenkar to Boston at the International PPS Conference

The regional conference of the International Polymer Processing Society (PPS) held in Boston earlier this month enjoyed considerable representation from Shenkar. Plenary speaker Prof. Shmuel Kenig, Dean of The Faculty of  Engineering at Shenkar, discussed the structuring of macro- and micro-injection molded products containing micro- and nano- reinforcements. He was joined by distinguished colleagues such as Sadhan Jana and David Kazmer from the United States and Petra Poetschke from Germany. In addition, at the PPS Conference, Shenkar graduate and UMass Lowell PhD candidate in plastics engineering, Orly Wiezman, presented a paper on her current research, now in its provisional patent application stage. 

The conference was presided over by Prof. Joey Mead and Prof. Meg Sobkowicz of UMass Lowell. Shenkar and UMass Lowell are engaged in a unique and meaningful collaboration that enables researchers from both institutions to work together in a doctoral program at Shenkar’s Department of Polymers & Plastics Engineering.

Special attention was given to Prof. Hanna Dodiuk, head of Shenkar’s Department of Polymers & Plastics Engineering, who also celebrated her 70th birthday. A symposium dedicated to colloidal materials and advanced coatings was held in recognition of her immense contribution to the field. Prof. Dodiuk is an expert on adhesion science and technology, polymers, and the application of nanotechnology in the industry. One of the founders of the Department of Plastics Engineering, she has been heading it since 2006. The department recently celebrated its 24th year of work with a joint conference with the Israel Polymers and Plastics Society, and with the Plastic Fantastic gala event at Shenkar.

The Polymer Processing Society was established in 1985 in Akron, Ohio. Its mission is to foster technical innovation and scientific understanding of polymer processing, and to provide a home for the global community of scientists and engineers in the field. Each year, the society holds two conferences in locations in Asia / Australia, the Americas or Europe. A PPS conference was held in Israel in October 2014, under the auspices of Shenkar’s Department of Polymer & Plastics Engineering.

Top of page: Prof. Hanna Dodiuk, Prof. Shmuek Kenig and Orly Weizmann in front of Weizmann’s project.

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