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Blumenthal Center for Innovation and Research in Textiles was inaugurated at Shenkar

In recent years, textiles are enjoying a revival and a renewed interest from industry, academia and research. The foundation of the new center was initiated by Shenkar, an institution known as a leader in areas of design, engineering and art; the center will be dedicated to advance and coordinate cutting edge research in the field of textiles. 

CIRTex will promote innovative projects with academic partners in Israel and abroad as well as with prominent industrial partners. This will be achieved through the profound knowledge-base, extensive experience and skill of the academic staff, graduates, students and researchers of the college. 

The Barbara and David Blumenthal Israel Center for Innovation and Research in Textiles, CIRTex at Shenkar, will leverage the knowledge and expertise in textile design and technology, which is so characteristic of Shenkar.

As part of the inauguration week, a special interdisciplinary conference was held at Shenkat hosting researchers, creators and manufacturers who are involved in the textile world. They presented their work and conducted open discussions aimed  to share theoretical and practical knowledge and form future collaborations.

The guest of honor in the events of the week was Mr. David Blumenthal, who came especially to Israel a prominent industrialist in the field of yarn manufacturing and a member of the board of governors of Shenkar. His generous endowment enabled the realization and vision of CIRTex. 

Heading the center are architect Ayelet Karmon, a senior lecturer at the Master of Design Program, and Prof. Alva Peled from Ben-Gurion University, a Shenkar graduate in textile engineering and a world expert in the integration of textile reinforcement in concrete structures.

The steering committee includes: Shenkar President, Prof. Yuli Tamir, Dean of the Azrieli Faculty of Design, Prof. Yarom Vardimon, Dean of the Faculty of Engineering, Prof. Shmuel Kenig, Head for the Textile Design Department, Dr Katya Oicherman, Head of the Innovation Center Act Shenkar, Tami Warshavski and Mr. Robert Bash. 

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